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About Us

Founded in 2024, Tigon Group (Aust.) came into being with a clear purpose: to empower enterprises with insights and tailor-made solutions. Our goal is to support companies in the realms of information technology, strategic planning, software development, and advisory services.

We're a collective of experienced professionals who've played pivotal roles in executive and senior positions across a diverse range of sectors including publicly traded companies, government, and non-profit organisations, both within Australia and globally in the Asia-Pacific and North America.

Our expertise spans a wide spectrum, including digital transformation, technology, management consulting, organisational change, strategic communication, and public affairs. We excel in international business, understanding the complexities of cultural nuances and the differing approaches to corporate governance. Our dedication lies in crafting innovative, customised solutions for the complex global landscape we navigate today.

Headquartered in Melbourne, Australia, Tigon's team focuses on helping our clients with bespoke research and solutions. We're committed to improving operational outcomes, uncovering new opportunities, guiding stakeholders, and producing research that strengthens decision-making.

What is a Tigon?

The Tigon is the rare hybrid offspring of a male tiger and a female lion.

From a cultural and symbolic viewpoint, the lion and tiger hold significant meanings in their respective cultures. The lion, esteemed in Western culture, symbolises strength, courage, and leadership. The tiger, revered in Asian cultures, represents power, protection, and good fortune, acting as a guardian against evil and a symbol of natural strength and beauty. The tigon is the combination of these powerful symbols, embodying a harmonious blend of East and West. To us, this represents our role in seamlessly integrating the strengths and cultural values of the diverse regions we serve. From a business context, the tigon combines the strategic, bold approach typical in Western business with the resilience, adaptability, and focus on harmony characteristic of Asian business culture.

This creature symbolises the unique blend at the heart of Tigon Group's mission: to bridge, facilitate, and support enterprises between South-East Asia, North America, and Australia. The Tigon stands as a symbol of our geographical focus, encapsulating the fusion of qualities and values vital in international business. It signifies the blending of different business philosophies, the embracing of cultural diversity, and the pursuit of collaborative, mutually beneficial relationships across continents.

Let's discuss your needs

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We are here to assist you, whether you need strategic advice, support, or bespoke solutions and expertise.

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